Celebrating 70 Years of Legal Aid in Western Ohio
In 1952, the Toledo Legal Aid Society opened its doors to provide civil legal services to people living in poverty. In its first six months of service, the Toledo Legal Aid Society, widely known as TLAS, provided assistance in 391 cases. Clients received help with economic, family, and property issues—all areas familiar to Legal Aid today. TLAS is still in existence providing public defender services in Lucas County.
For the past 70 years, Legal Aid has been successfully living its mission of providing free, comprehensive legal assistance to people living in poverty in civil (non-criminal) cases. Since 1952, that mission has spread from Toledo to cover 32 western Ohio counties, and agricultural workers throughout the state. Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc. (LAWO) proudly carries on the work of TLAS and the other legal services organizations that preceded it in serving western Ohio individuals and households with civil law problems.
How have we achieved this mission? Because of people like you. When people with low-income and limited resources have no place else to turn for legal advice, you have helped ensure that LAWO is there, meeting the critical needs of those most in need of our services.
Now we are called to pause, reflect, and honor the people, experiences, and stories that made us who we are today. And to look confidently toward our future.
Produced by Darrell Robinson Media, Together is a feature length documentary that celebrates the past, present, and future of legal aid in western Ohio. The film is generously supported by the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation with additional support from David & Denise Coyle, Hylant, Mark Mogavero, Kevin Mulder & Beatrice Maugeri, Thomas &
Susan Palmer, and the Toledo Bar Association.
You can support 70 plus years of civil legal services in western Ohio. Visit lawolaw.org/70years-support to make a donation today.